Week 4


"Ideas that result from thinking."

Expanded Definition

Thoughts are the mental processes or ideas produced by conscious or unconscious cognitive activity, such as reasoning, imagining, or problem-solving. They have a significant influence over an individual's perceptions, emotions, and behaviors, acting as a filter through which individuals interpret and understand external reality.


The term "thought" comes from the Old English word þoht or geþoht, which means "the act of thinking." These words stem from the past participle of the Old English verb þencan, meaning “to think.” The word "think" has evolved over time to denote both the act of thinking and the ideas formed in the mind.

Classroom Strategies

Positive Action's Thoughts-Actions-Feelings philosophy emphasizes the interconnectedness of thoughts, actions, and feelings, asserting that one's thoughts play a crucial role in shaping a person's actions and emotional experiences. To help your students understand the role of thoughts within this philosophy, consider the following strategies:

  1. Explain the connection: Begin by explaining how thoughts, actions, and feelings influence each other. Thoughts can influence actions and subsequently impact emotions.This cyclical process can either generate a positive or negative outcome.

  2. Teach self-awareness: Help students develop self-awareness by encouraging them to recognize and reflect on their thoughts, actions, and feelings. Prepare an engaging class activity that encourages students to assess their strengths and weaknesses, their idea of themselves, and what makes them unique.

  3. Discuss thought patterns: Explore different types of thought patterns, including negative self-talk, automatic thoughts, and cognitive distortions. Teach students to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts that may influence their actions and emotions negatively.

  4. Encourage cognitive restructuring: Teach students techniques for cognitive restructuring, such as reframing negative thoughts into more constructive, positive ones. This can help them better understand the role of thoughts in shaping their actions and emotions.

  5. Model positive thinking: Demonstrate the power of positive thinking through your own behavior and interactions with students. Share personal examples of how altering your thought patterns has influenced your actions and feelings.

  6. Practice mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness exercises into the classroom and teach students to become more aware of their thoughts. Through these exercises, students can manage their thoughts more effectively, gain increased focus, and reduce stress.

  7. Foster a growth mindset: Encourage students to view challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth. By instilling a growth mindset, students develop resilience and motivation for self-improvement.

  8. Engage in thought-provoking activities: Provide opportunities for students to engage in activities that stimulate critical thinking, creativity, and self-reflection. These activities help sharpen their minds, organize their thoughts, and enhance their problem-solving skills.

  9. Encourage open discussion: Foster an open, non-judgmental classroom environment where students feel comfortable discussing their thoughts, actions, and emotions. This can help them better understand the role of thoughts in the Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle.

  10. Reinforce the connection: Regularly reinforce the connection between thoughts, actions, and feelings throughout your teaching. Highlight real-life examples and discuss how students can apply this philosophy to their own lives.

By incorporating these strategies into your teaching, you can help students understand the critical role of thoughts in their behavior process and emotional experiences. Introducing students to the Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle empowers them to take control of their thoughts and, in turn, positively influence their actions and emotions.


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