Week 36


"To show unconditional caring."

Expanded Definition

Love is an affectionate, caring, and positive action or emotion shown or expressed toward another whom one deeply cares about. In building healthy relationships, may it be romantic or friendly, love is the core and the foundation. That is, it encompasses respect, compassion, and trust.


The word "love" originates from the Old English word lufu, which is from the Proto-German lubo and the Gothic liufs. These terms are derived from the Proto-Indo-European root **leubh-*, "to care for, to desire."

Classroom Strategies

Spread the message of love! Build your students' social skills and promote positive social interactions and healthy relationships with the following classroom strategies:

  1. Take care of a plant until the end of the year: Give students a living responsibility. Caring for a plant teaches love through nurturing. They'll see the results of their care and understand that love, like a plant, grows with attention and kindness.

  2. Create a mind map about love: Have students map out what love means to them. This activity sparks deep reflection and discussions about the various aspects and forms of love in their lives.

  3. Create a collage of different kinds of love: Encourage students to showcase the love they experience within their families, friendships, and more. By celebrating different forms of love, they learn that it is diverse and all-encompassing.

  4. Do a Daily Acts of Love challenge: Challenge students to perform daily acts of kindness and love toward others. This practical exercise instills the habit of showing care through actions and gestures.

  5. Write letters to loved ones: Encourage students to express their feelings in heartfelt letters. Writing deepens their understanding of love and strengthens emotional connections with friends and family.

  6. Give students assignments: Assign them tasks on expressing their love toward others, through showing respect, cooperating, and telling the truth. This homework cultivates the awareness of how love manifests in everyday interactions.

  7. Discuss the different languages of love: Explore the different love languages. Understanding that people express and receive love differently helps students connect better with those around them.

  8. Explain the importance of love to health and well-being: Discuss the scientific links between love, oxytocin, and overall well-being. This knowledge motivates students to prioritize love as a vital component of health and happiness.

  9. Create a love slambook: Allow students to share what they appreciate about each other. This activity encourages them to focus on the positives, fostering a culture of respect and appreciation.

  10. Conduct a speed friend date: Arrange meetings where students get to know their classmates. This helps them understand and appreciate the diversity of personalities, building empathy and love for their peers.

Love isn't just a feeling; it's a skill. It enhances social health and emotional intelligence, making students better friends, partners, and human beings. Teach your students about love by applying these lessons.

Remember, when you teach love, you're not just shaping students; you're shaping a kinder, more connected future. Spread that love—it's a lesson that lasts a lifetime!


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