Week 29


"Caring between people who choose to be together."

Expanded Definition

Friendship is a give-and-take relationship between people who share the same interests or simply enjoy each other's company. People involved in this healthy connection develop trust and genuine care for each other. When in this mutual bond, friends agree to reciprocate, help each other, cooperate, and communicate positively.


From the word “friend” and the suffix “-ship,” the term "friendship" comes from the combination of the Old English frēond and scipe, with the former meaning "friend" while the latter signifies a state or condition. The root frēond is derived from the Proto-Germanic frijōjands meaning "lover, friend."

Classroom Strategies

Love and belonging are the third need in Maslow's hierarchy, which refers to the human need for social interaction, acceptance, and support. To fulfill this need, individuals must invest in friendships, which they can gain through friendly gestures and positive behavior. Teach your students how to initiate long-lasting friendships with the following classroom strategies:

  1. Facilitate an "All About My Friend" presentation: Ask students to create a presentation about their best friends or group of friends. Encourage them to discuss their similarities and differences, how they help each other, and how their friends make them happy. You can also pair students together and let them create a short presentation about each other.

  2. Group students together based on their interests: Group students together based on their favorites and hobbies. With this activity, students can meet and discuss with their peers about the things that give them joy. The goal of this activity is to bring students together and build new friendships.

  3. Play friendship-building games: Prepare games where students can play together and communicate effectively to succeed. Students can play charades, pictionary, or relay race games. With these games, students can have fun, practice cooperation, and make friends.

  4. Ask students to make art together: Ask a pair of students to make art and craft together. You can provide a theme or have them create freely. Give them ideas on what to make, such as a card, a toy, a drawing, or a meal. Tell them that the main objective of this project is for them to have fun together and get to know each other.

  5. Host a poster-making contest: Ask students to create their individual posters, interpreting the meaning of friendships. In their posters, include a slogan on what friendship means to them and how to nurture it. This activity aims to help them grasp the concept of friendship, recognize its importance, and apply it to their lives.

  6. Conduct the Friendship Salad activity: Engage students in a group activity where each of them contributes an ingredient of friendship to the salad. For example, a student can contribute the ingredient of cooperation to the salad, while another student adds kindness. The goal of this activity is to help students understand how to build and maintain healthy relationships with their friends.

  7. Pair students with a secret friend: In this week-long activity, instruct students to secretly perform kind acts for a classmate. Other than teaching students to practice kindness, this activity also radiates positivity in the classroom, where everyone helps each other. With this, not only will their moods improve, but they'll also develop strong bonds and positive connections with their secret friends.

  8. Pair students with a secret pen pal: In this activity, pair students with their classmates, who will be their secret pen pals. They will drop their letters in a designated classroom area you prepared and write to each other about their daily lives. By writing anonymously, students can feel free to share their thoughts. Regardless of the grade level, ensure that your students keep the conversation healthy. At the end of the activity, ask whether students want to reveal their identities so they can continue to engage afterward.

  9. Create individual memory jars for each student: Ask students to design a jar with their name on it. Then, place these jars in a designated area in the classroom. Invite your students to drop letters containing their positive memories with their classmates who own the jars. As the class concludes, tell students to collect and read their letters. In doing this, students not only gain a boost in morale and self-concept, but they also gain a friend who appreciates them.

  10. Exchange friendship bracelets: Dedicate a portion of your class time to engage students in a bracelet-making activity. They can give the bracelets they will make to a classmate they want to befriend. This activity connects students with their classmates, building bridges and forming long-lasting connections.

As educators, you can sail a thousand friendships with these engaging classroom strategies! Help your students make friends, find a sense of belonging, and achieve social acceptance.


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