Week 6


"Emotions such as anger, fear, love, and worry."

Expanded Definition

Feelings are physical sensations or emotional responses to internal or external stimuli. Feelings are deeply personal and can vary in intensity, duration, and complexity. They are subjective sensations that an individual experiences within oneself and can often influence thoughts, behaviors, and overall well-being.


The word "feeling" (plural form, "feelings") originates from the Middle English verb felen, meaning "to perceive by touch or sensation." The term evolved over time to describe not only physical sensations but also the emotional states or experiences that arise in response to various stimuli.

Classroom Strategies

Empower your students to gain greater control over their feelings. Implement these strategies in the classroom and help students better understand the role of feelings in their behavior and overall well-being:

  1. Introduce the Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle: This visual representation illustrates how managing thoughts and behavior choices can positively influence feelings. By discussing this connection and process, you equip students with the essential tools for decision-making, emotional regulation, and behavior improvement.

  2. Teach emotional awareness: Help students develop emotional awareness by encouraging them to recognize, label, and express their feelings. Provide opportunities for self-reflection through engaging activities and mindfulness exercises.

  3. Discuss emotional regulation: Teach students about emotional regulation and coping strategies to help them manage their feelings more effectively. You can start by teaching them deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or cognitive reframing.

  4. Encourage empathy: Foster empathy and understanding by encouraging students to consider the feelings of others. Guide them to recognize that their actions can impact the emotions of those around them.

  5. Model emotional expression: Demonstrate healthy emotional expression through your own behavior and interactions with students, setting an example for them to follow.

  6. Foster a supportive environment: Create a safe and supportive classroom environment where students feel comfortable discussing their feelings without judgment.

  7. Engage in emotional learning: Incorporate activities that promote emotional learning, such as role-playing, discussing various emotional scenarios, or analyzing characters' emotions in literature or films.

  8. Emphasize the importance of self-care: Teach students about the importance of self-care and its role in maintaining emotional well-being. Encourage them to develop self-care routines that support their emotional health.

  9. Practice mindfulness: Integrate mindfulness exercises into the classroom to help students become more aware of their feelings and learn to respond to them in a positive way.

  10. Normalize seeking for help: Teach students that it's healthy to seek help when needed. Whether it's talking to a teacher, counselor, or trusted adult, knowing when to reach out for support is an important aspect of emotional self-care.

By incorporating these strategies into your teaching, you can help students understand the vital role of feelings in their decisions, behavior, and overall well-being. You also equip them with emotional intelligence and valuable life skills that they can carry through adulthood


Feelings: Quiz and Games
Feelings: Quiz and Games

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