Week 18


"A willingness to face problems or fear."

Expanded Definition

Courage is the mental strength to confront fear, uncertainty, or adversity. It is different from bravery, as courage acts in the face of fear rather than being devoid of it. To show courage, an individual must harness positive thinking, resilience, and self-belief.


The term "courage" comes from the Old French corage, meaning "heart, feelings." This can be traced back to the Latin cor, which translates to "heart." The modern interpretation of courage as the ability to face fear or adversity comes from the symbolic association of the heart with feelings of bravery and fortitude.

Classroom Strategies

Courage is the determination to confront challenges and adversities, even in the presence of doubt or danger. To help students embrace and embody courage, several key skills and qualities are indispensable. Integrate these strategies in your classroom and empower your students:

  1. Discuss the concept of courage: Begin by teaching that courage is the ability to face fear or adversity despite feeling afraid. Reinforce that it is not the absence of fear but the decision to act despite it.

  2. Engage them in practice communication exercises: Facing the crowd and disappointing people are two of the most common reasons for a person to lose courage. Teachers should facilitate practice communication exercises to train students to express their honest feelings, open up about their problems, and interact with a large group of people. These exercises can be classroom debates, discussions, and presentations.

  3. Share inspirational stories: Use stories, whether from literature, history, or current events, to showcase examples of courage. These narratives can offer valuable insights and inspiration for students.

  4. Encourage small acts of bravery: Celebrate small acts of courage in the classroom. This could be as simple as a student sharing an unpopular opinion, trying something new, or admitting a mistake. These acts show that everyday courage is just as important as grand gestures.

  5. Teach resilience: Resilience goes hand in hand with courage. Teachers can create a classroom environment that acknowledges failure as a stepping stone to success.

  6. Help them reframe their perspective on fear: Help students see fear as a challenge to overcome rather than a barrier. This shift in perspective can help foster courage.

  7. Encourage students to take initiative: Create opportunities for students to take on leadership roles within the classroom. This might include leading discussions, organizing projects, or initiating change within the school community.

  8. Promote empathy and compassion: Encourage students to stand up for others who are being treated unfairly. This helps to foster courage and develops a stronger sense of justice.

  9. Engage them in problem-solving exercises: Equip students with problem-solving skills, which can give them the confidence to face fearful situations knowing they have tools to navigate them.

  10. Cultivate a supportive environment: A supportive and encouraging environment gives students the confidence to take risks and face their fears. Foster a classroom culture where each student's courage is recognized and applauded.

Students have the potential to develop and showcase their courage with the right classroom strategies. So, apply these educational practices to better prepare students to overcome any challenges that meet them in their educational journey and beyond.


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