SEL Lesson for Pre-K on Why Name Matters to Their Identity

Pre KindergartenLesson: 112

Teaching Pre-K Students Why Name Matters to Their Identity

Every name carries a weight and a story that is unique to every individual. It is deeply rooted in one’s personal, familial, and cultural ties. It's a crucial part of how one sees oneself, and it can have a significant impact on a person's self-concept.

Using two contrasting stories, this lesson teaches pre-kindergartners how names can affect their self-concept. To have a better learning experience, "Emily" and “Luis” visual aids are displayed.

The lesson opens with the first story, "Luis and Emily’s Negative Day." Here, the class learns a lot as they join Emily and Luis in the playground of the Happy Circle Preschool. Luis, Emily’s brother, wants the ball his sister is playing with. Without asking, he grabs the ball. This makes Emily angry, causing her to call her brother a negative name. The first story ends with a crying Luis, and with Emily who feels bad about herself. Through this story, students learn that negative names can cause negative feelings toward oneself and others.

"Names play a big part in one’s identity and self-concept. So, helping pre-kindergartners to understand the significance of their names is important for them to understand themselves."

After the first story, guide questions follow. These questions help pre-kindergartners understand that their actions and names impact their self-concept.

The next story, titled "Luis and Emily’s Positive Day," comes after this. Similar to the first story, Emily is playing with her ball, and Luis also wants to play with it. However, instead of grabbing it without asking, Luis asks his sister this time. Emily appreciates her brother asking nicely. She shares the ball with him and they play together. Emily and Luis understand the gravity of their actions, and they promise each other that it will not happen again. Both of them also learn the importance of their names to how they feel about themselves. This story ends with both of them having a good time.

More guide questions follow. These questions help pre-kindergartners think and learn why it is important to call themselves and others by their real names.

As a celebration and a reinforcement, the students search for the meaning of their names. This positive reinforcement activity emphasizes how their names contribute to their self-concept.

To end the lesson, the ICU messages from the ICU box are read.

Names play a big part in one’s identity and self-concept. So, helping pre-kindergartners to understand the significance of their names is important for them to understand themselves.

With that, teach pre-kindergartners how their names are part of how they see themselves. Guide them to understand that their names are important, just like them.

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