Why It's Important to Express Love: SEL Lesson for Pre-K

Pre KindergartenLesson: 319

Why It's Important to Express Love: SEL Lesson for Pre-K

Love possesses immense power to generate positivity, enhance brain function, and boost self-concept. In this lesson, pre-kindergartners learn to manage the feeling of love and channel its potential. They learn that the best way to manage love is to give it in order to receive it.

Using an interactive puppet play featuring the hedgehogs, Squeak and Mimi, the lesson starts feeling the yumminess of love in the air! Through this play, love is explained as taking many forms. For Squeak, it is when his grandma hugs and kisses him. For Mimi, it is when her aunt takes her to places and bonds with her. Squeak and Mimi are right! Love is both an action and an emotion!

Through a class discussion, pre-kindergartners learn all about the positive action and emotion of love. Here, their friend, Bright Sider, joins through a visual aid and helps them learn that love makes them feel bright and positive like him.

"For pre-kindergartners, love is essential for physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development. By learning how to manage and show their emotions of love, they radiate positivity toward others and receive love in return."

After that, the class listens intently as the teacher elaborates what love is, how it feels, and why it is important. The discussion on how love is expressed, both in the settings of home and school, helps the students to understand this concept better.

As the lesson ends, the students learn about a new clap that reinforces the positive action and emotion of love. Oh, how they love when they feel good about themselves!

For pre-kindergartners, love is essential for physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development. By learning how to manage and show their emotions of love, they radiate positivity toward others and receive love in return.

There are numerous health benefits to love, such as a strengthened bond with others, reduced stress levels and anxiety, reduced feelings of pressure, a firmer and more positive self-concept, and an improved ability to overcome struggles. This lesson equips pre-kindergartners with the skill to manage and express their emotions of love, so they can feel good about themselves and receive it in return.

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