Pre-K SEL: Social-Emotional Positive Actions to Get Along With Others

Pre KindergartenLesson: 419

Pre-K SEL: Social-Emotional Positive Actions to Get Along With Others

Squeak and Mimi are back! The two beloved puppets open this lesson, which reviews all of the positive actions for the SEL concept of getting along with others. Then, a Droid and Dude story, titled "Blasting Off" follows. It is about two friends on Mars, finally getting along, after having the habit of fighting all the time. It shows the students the beauty of life when everyone gets along great.

"Through positive social interactions, pre-kindergartners can develop a supportive environment that allows them to thrive emotionally, socially, and academically."

In this review lesson, pre-kindergarten students look back on all of the social-emotional skills they have learned to get along with others. The review is in the form of a social skills activity which allows the students to demonstrate how to do each positive action in their own way. The students promise to do these positive actions to get along with others, especially with their moms, dads, and siblings.

Finally, the lesson caps off the review with a new clap that the students learn and do several times. It is about treating others the way one wants to be treated, and it helps the students to remember the SEL concepts of Unit 4.

Throughout the lesson, visual aids such as "Droid," “Dude,” “Mama Amore,” and “Spaceship” are used to support student learning. The Positive Action song, “Getting Along” is also played.

The goal of this lesson is to ensure that pre-kindergartners have a positive social experience in school and at home by teaching them important social and emotional skills. Through positive social interactions, pre-kindergartners can develop a supportive environment that allows them to thrive emotionally, socially, and academically.

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