SEL Guide for Pre-K: Enhancing the Self-Concept through Strengths

Pre KindergartenLesson: 111

SEL Guide for Pre-K: Enhancing the Self-Concept through Strengths

Strong qualities such as skills, talents, abilities, and characteristics are important for boosting one’s self-confidence and self-concept. By knowing and enhancing these strong points, one feels capable and thus earns trust in oneself. Self-trust is part of a healthy self-concept that enables one to cultivate resilience, which is essential for thriving in life.

To help pre-kindergartners enhance their self-concept, this lesson helps them recognize and be aware of their strengths.

To introduce the lesson, a puppet show between two hedgehogs named Squeak and Mimi catches the students’ attention. By showing Squeak and Mimi recognize their own strengths and feel good about themselves, students are introduced to the lesson concepts.

"When pre-kindergartners become aware of their strengths, they begin to develop a positive self-concept."

The puppets are set aside, and then through a class discussion, pre-kindergartners learn what "strength" means. They are also guided to discover some of their own strengths.

After the class discussion, the class follows Emily, Luis, and Sadie the Stoplight on their way to another discovery in the story of "The Secret of Secret Street." The secrets they find here are vital in making decisions, choosing actions, and building themselves. The teacher displays “Emily” and “Luis” visual aids, and “Sadie the Stoplight” poster to better immerse the students in the story.

As a conclusion to the lesson, "The Treasure'' music of Positive Action is played to help the students remember the lesson concepts.

The goal of this lesson is to help pre-kindergartners learn how their own skills, talents, abilities, and characteristics can enhance the way they feel about themselves. When pre-kindergartners become aware of their strengths, they begin to develop a positive self-concept.

Having a positive self-concept is essential in laying a strong foundation for personal growth. This is because a positive self-concept is characterized by a deep understanding of oneself and a strong belief in one's abilities, which can be invaluable in overcoming obstacles and facing challenges.

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