How to Celebrate and Reinforce Self-Management in Pre-K Students

Pre KindergartenLesson: 330

How to Celebrate and Reinforce Self-Management in Pre-K Students

A light, uplifting, and melodic tune opens this lesson. It is the "The Treasure" music by Positive Action, and it sends a special message to the pre-kindergartners—they are precious treasures! They are reminded that each one of them is a gift to themselves and to others.

In this lesson, the students review all of the lessons that they have learned about self-management. The teacher displays the "Eight Gifts" poster and together, the students review what each gift means and what positive actions they can do to manage them.

"Pre-kindergartners receive and enjoy recognition, which is beneficial for their self-concept. The goal of this lesson is to conclude the unit and to develop the students’ intrinsic motivation to learn more social and emotional positive actions."

To keep the students engaged, the reinforcing Positive Action song, "Gifts and Gifts and Gifts" is played. They pass the Manager’s Cap around, and each student puts it on. Then, they shout, “I can manage me!” It’s a way for the pre-kindergarten students to celebrate their being great self-managers. They realize that self-management is a positive action that instills a positive self-concept!

The lesson ends with the class enjoying a healthy snack time. Then, the teacher reads the ICU messages from the class’s ICU Box. Finally, the students cheer for their positive actions.

Using positive reinforcement in the classroom makes the learning experience engaging and effective. In this review lesson, positive reinforcement strategies are used to provide a conducive learning environment for the pre-kindergartners, ensuring their retention of the lesson concepts.

After reviewing the key concepts with engaging music and interactive discussions, students are celebrated and praised with positive language for their achievement in finishing another Positive Action unit. Pre-kindergartners receive and enjoy recognition, which is beneficial for their self-concept. The goal of this lesson is to conclude the unit and to develop the students’ intrinsic motivation to learn more social and emotional positive actions.

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