Positive Actions to Be Self-Honest and Happy: Pre-K SEL Lesson

Pre KindergartenLesson: 519

Positive Actions to Be Self-Honest and Happy: Pre-K SEL Lesson

Engaging, creative, and memorable, this lesson reviews the social-emotional positive actions for self-honesty. It opens with a story titled "Telling Yourself the Truth—Inside and Out." It is about Kayla, Mai, and Mr. Jazzman having a recital about everything they have learned about telling themselves the truth. They make up a song that helps them get through each positive action, one at a time.

"The goal of this lesson is to engage pre-kindergartners in a fun review of self-honesty's social and emotional positive actions."

In this review lesson, pre-kindergartners get to sing this song, too. Together, the class reviews the positive actions of how to be self-honest by singing Kayla, Mai, and Mr. Jazzman’s recital song. The "Sing Your Truth" poster and the visual aids of “Mai,” “Kayla,” and “Mr. Jazzman” are displayed for this.

The goal of this lesson is to engage pre-kindergartners in a fun review of self-honesty's social and emotional positive actions. To do this, they look back on every lesson concept they have learned in this unit, using an imaginative story and an enjoyable song. These teaching strategies provide pre-kindergartners with an effective learning experience, ensuring retention and motivation.

To keep the lesson engaging, teachers have the prerogative to employ other fun SEL games and activities that can encourage their pre-kindergarten students to participate and pay attention. A fun learning experience motivates students to perform and behave better, as well as to thrive.

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