Positive Actions for a Healthy Body: An SEL Health Lesson

Pre KindergartenLesson: 201

Positive Actions for a Healthy Body: An SEL Health Lesson for Pre-K

The whole pre-kindergarten class is having a very healthy discussion! It starts with a puppet show, featuring beloved hedgehog puppets, Squeak and Mimi. The adorable duo introduces the students to Unit 2, which covers the essential components of maintaining a healthy body and mind. The first half of the unit is focused on the physical positive actions, while the second half focuses on the positive actions for the intellect.

In this SEL lesson, pre-kindergartners learn about the physical positive actions first. They learn the eight positive actions for the body, which will be discussed further in subsequent lessons. The students are thrilled to discover that these actions not only benefit their bodies but also boost their self-concept.

"By instilling healthy habits with this lesson, students become empowered with the knowledge and skills to care for themselves, thus promoting physical and cognitive development."

As a fun activity, the students are asked to participate in some simple good-for-the-heart exercises. The students are amazed at how enjoyable and healthy it is to move their bodies.

The teacher also introduces and explains the "Pre-K Positive Behavior Chart." It is a tool for the whole class to use to track the positive actions they take for their bodies. As a guide, the teacher displays the “Positive Actions for my Body” poster, which depicts illustrations showing the positive actions for physical health. These two visual aids serve as the students’ reminders to always take positive actions to improve their health and physical well-being.

Overall, teaching pre-kindergartners how to keep their bodies healthy is vital for their overall well-being and self-concept. By instilling healthy habits with this lesson, students become empowered with the knowledge and skills to care for themselves, thus promoting physical and cognitive development.

The Positive Action program is aligned with the national health education standards. Its curriculum addresses not just physical and intellectual health but also social, mental, and emotional health. This unit contains lessons and materials that promote health, hygiene, and disease prevention, which are essential topics for young students to learn.

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