The Positive Action of Self-Honesty: SEL Lesson for Pre-K

Pre KindergartenLesson: 502

The Positive Action of Self-Honesty: SEL Lesson for Pre-K

Everyone in the pre-kindergarten class feels like singing their truth today! They open this lesson with an engaging discussion surrounding the "Sing Your Truth" poster. The poster illustrates the different positive actions to practice self-honesty. One by one, the teacher elaborates on each action, helping the students to realize the value of telling themselves the truth.

As the class discussion continues, pre-kindergartners also learn that the most important person to tell the truth to is themselves. By being honest, they give themselves power, strength, and freedom, as no hidden truth is chasing after them. Being truthful also helps them build their self-concept, allowing them to have confidence in themselves.

"By being honest, they give themselves power, strength, and freedom, as no hidden truth is chasing after them."

Before the lesson ends, a very special friend joins the class. It’s Mr. Jazzman! He helps pre-kindergartners learn how to sing their truth by teaching them a song to remember. The class ends with a splendid singing session!

At their age, pre-kindergartners are fully aware of the difference between telling themselves the truth and lying. However, they may still experience challenges in being honest for various reasons. When they experience feelings of inferiority, they may lie to impress their adults and peers. They may also fear the consequences of accidents or misbehavior, which motivates them to hide the truth.

To encourage pre-kindergartners to be truthful, it is important that they understand its freeing rewards. In this lesson, pre-kindergartners are taught about the different rewards of self-honesty, such as saving themselves from further trouble and giving themselves a chance to correct their mistakes.

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