Physical Positive Actions to Improve Health: Pre-K SEL Unit Review

Pre KindergartenLesson: 210

Physical Positive Actions to Improve Health: Pre-K SEL Unit Review

The pre-kindergarten class goes on a trip down memory lane! They look back on every lesson they have learned in Unit 2 about positive actions for physical health. To kick things off, the "Positive Actions for My Body" poster is displayed and the whole class enjoys an interactive review lesson where they recite all the physical positive actions they’ve learned.

First up is the importance of healthy eating. Healthy eating helps pre-kindergartners ensure that they get the healthy nutrients that their bodies need to be healthy and strong. This positive action goes beyond eating nutritious foods. It’s also about avoiding poor eating habits. By eating well, pre-kindergartners can boost their self-concept and reap a ton of other benefits.

Next on the list is daily physical exercise. Pre-kindergartners are motivated to keep their bodies moving as this can help with their muscle development, growth, and academic performance, and overall well-being.

"To celebrate all of their hard work, the pre-kindergartners take a look at their completely marked Positive Behavior Chart. It shows all of the positive actions they have taken for their bodies and themselves."

The class also revisits the importance of rest and sleep. Getting enough rest is essential for their growth, development, and health. Plus, a good night’s sleep can do wonders for their self-concept.

Pre-kindergartners then look back on how to keep their smiles bright by brushing their teeth properly. They remember that dental health improves their self-concept and overall physical health.

The class also reviews what harmful substances are, how to avoid them, and how to use medicines correctly. They learn that experimenting with harmful substances is bad for their health and self-concept.

Finally, pre-kindergartners remind themselves to always practice personal cleanliness and other positive actions to prevent the spread of germs. They remember that this positive action helps prevent illnesses and keep the bodies healthy.

To celebrate all of their hard work, the pre-kindergartners take a look at their completely marked Positive Behavior Chart. It shows all of the positive actions they have taken for their bodies and themselves.

And, to end the lesson on a high note, the class sings and dances to the catchy tune of "Take Care of You." It’s a great reminder for them to keep up all of their physical positive actions.

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