Effective SEL Lesson on Personal Cleanliness for Pre-Kindergarten

Pre KindergartenLesson: 204

Effective SEL Lesson on Personal Cleanliness for Pre-Kindergarten

In this exciting and interactive lesson, pre-kindergartners learn about the importance of personal cleanliness and how it helps them stay healthy and feel good about themselves. The lesson starts with Squeak and Mimi, two adorable hedgehog puppets, who engage the students in an illustrative puppet play.

In the play, Squeak and Mimi talk about personal cleanliness. Then Squeak admits that he doesn’t know how to take a bath. His fur is covered with dirt and mud. Yikes! Can the pre-kindergartners teach him how to take a bath? Only if they know how!

To show how it is done, the students demonstrate how to properly clean themselves after the puppet play. First, they identify the things they need for personal cleanliness. Then, through actions, some student volunteers act out how to take a bath using soap and a wash cloth.

"By practicing personal cleanliness, pre-kindergartners gain a sense of responsibility and control over their health and safety."

Through this demonstration and the ensuing class discussion, the students understand that keeping themselves clean is a positive action that helps them feel better about themselves. To reinforce the lesson, the class sings a fun song about taking a bath and personal cleanliness.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher records the students’ positive actions of committing to keep themselves clean on a Positive Behavior Chart. The class then listens as the teacher reads the ICU messages from the ICU box, which recognize the students’ positive actions and serve as motivation to continue doing positive actions for themselves and their bodies.

By practicing personal cleanliness, pre-kindergartners gain a sense of responsibility and control over their health and safety. They grasp the significance of maintaining cleanliness as a positive action that enables them to steer clear of illness, develop a robust and healthy body, and cultivate a positive self-concept.

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