How to Keep Pre-K Students Safe From Toxic Substances With SEL

Pre KindergartenLesson: 208

How to Keep Pre-K Students Safe From Toxic Substances With SEL

Children in pre-kindergarten possess a natural curiosity that drives them to explore new and unfamiliar things. It is entirely normal for them to engage in experimentation, whether it is with clothing, toys, and even household items. As they explore their environment and learn about the world around them, they may come into contact with toxic substances that can be harmful or even deadly. It is important to recognize the potential risks and provide appropriate guidance to help them prevent danger and substance abuse in the future. Taking a proactive approach and educating both pre-kindergartners and their caregivers can help ensure a safe and healthy environment in which they can learn and grow.

In this lesson, pre-kindergartners learn to identify potentially harmful substances and how to use them correctly. The objective of this lesson is to teach them how to avoid using these substances dangerously.

"It is important to recognize the potential risks and provide appropriate guidance to help them prevent danger and substance abuse in the future."

A puppet play featuring Squeak and Mimi, two hedgehog puppets, starts this lesson. In this play, Squeak eats something that is not for eating—soap! It hurts his tummy and makes him feel sick. This sets an example to the students of what taking harmful substances can do to their health.

Through a visual aid, a discussion with Dr. Doctor follows. The class listens intently as she talks about what substances are potentially harmful, and how they can avoid them. Pre-kindergartners are also guided on the correct usage of medicines that pose potential harm when used incorrectly.

Distribution of "Mr. Yuck" stickers comes next. It is a helpful tool for students to remember which harmful substances to avoid in their homes. After distribution, the class decides on the five harmful things at home they can label with the Mr. Yuck stickers.

To mark the end of the lesson, the students promise to avoid and use potentially harmful substances correctly. The teacher records this on the Positive Behavior Chart. Finally, the class listens as their ICU messages are read to recognize their positive actions.

This is an essential lesson that ensures the safety and health of pre-kindergartners. Teaching them the correct usage of potentially harmful substances such as medicines and to avoid dangerous materials eliminate the risk of endangering the young students. Moreover, this is a positive action that they need to learn to keep themselves, their bodies, and their self-concepts healthy.

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