Pre-K SEL Lesson: The Positive Action of Sleep and Rest

Pre KindergartenLesson: 206

PreK SEL Lesson: The Positive Action of Sleep and Rest

Sleep is a vital part of a child’s development, as it has numerous benefits for their overall well-being. From growth to academic performance and self-esteem, getting sufficient rest is essential.

In this lesson, pre-kindergartners learn the importance of being intentional with rest and sleep. To help them better understand, this lesson incorporates effective teaching techniques appropriate for their age.

The beginning of this lesson is marked by a delightful puppet show featuring two adorable hedgehog puppets, Squeak and Mimi. Unfortunately, Mimi starts the lesson and the show, yawning! That’s not good! She is unable to listen to the class or join Squeak and her pre-kindergarten friends to play. Squeak understands what Mimi needs most—sleep!

"They understand that they need to follow a specific number of sleeping hours recommended for them, so they can feel their best all the time: attentive, positive, and always ready to learn!"

Pre-kindergartners better understand what the puppet show is teaching, through the class discussion that follows. Here, they learn that staying up late at night to play makes them feel tired and negative. They understand that they need to follow a specific number of sleeping hours recommended for them, so they can feel their best all the time: attentive, positive, and always ready to learn! Sleeping less than these hours can use up all of their stored energy, making them feel negative about themselves and others. This can lead to negative thoughts and negative actions.

The lesson is further reinforced with a finger play that helps the students remember the important lesson on sleep and rest. Then, they end it by marking the Positive Behavior Chart as they make the promise to commit to getting enough sleep.

Sleep promises many health benefits for pre-kindergartners. Physically, sleep allows for restorative processes that help recharge energy, repair damages in the body, support growth, and fight illnesses. Mentally and emotionally, sleep allows an opportunity for rest that helps with emotional well-being, mental clarity, and information retention.

At their age, pre-kindergartners don’t realize their need for sleep as they don’t easily feel tired with their level of energy and enthusiasm. It is important that they receive help in realizing the importance of sleep for their optimal health.

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