The Importance of Exercise to Health: Teach SEL in Pre-K

Pre KindergartenLesson: 205

The Importance of Exercise to Health: Teach SEL in Pre-K

Pre-kindergartners can benefit greatly from physical exercise, with evidence suggesting that it can enhance cognitive development, muscular fitness, cardiovascular and respiratory health, mental health, and academic performance.

To help pre-kindergartners maximize the advantages of regular exercise to their health and self-concept, this lesson engages them with a puppet play, some fun and simple exercises, an interactive class discussion, a visual aid, and Positive Action music.

Featuring their favorite puppet companions, Squeak and Mimi, this lesson begins with a puppet play that encourages students to participate in some fun physical exercises. The students follow along as their puppet friends lead their way through a simple workout.

"With their formative years being such a critical time for their physical and mental growth, it is important to instill in pre-kindergartners the value of staying active and taking care of their bodies."

Following the puppet play, the class participates in a discussion with their very healthy friend, Dr. Doctor, who comes in as a visual aid. Dr. Doctor explains to pre-kindergartners that exercises can be done in all kinds of ways. It can be playing, jumping, and even as simple as walking! Dr. Doctor also shares a secret with the students which they find motivating. Then, they exercise some more to the Positive Action music, "Take Care of You."

The students feel stronger, better, and healthier! They begin to realize that exercise is good for their bodies and overall well-being. The lesson ends with the class marking their progress on their Positive Behavior Chart.

With their formative years being such a critical time for their physical and mental growth, it is important to instill in pre-kindergartners the value of staying active and taking care of their bodies. This lesson provides an excellent opportunity to set them on the right path toward a healthy and fulfilling life.

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