Short Story on the Importance of Curiosity for Pre-K Students

Pre KindergartenLesson: 212

Short Story on the Importance of Curiosity for Pre-K Students

The curious pre-kindergarten class follows the beloved Little Red Riding Hood on her way to her grandmother’s house. As the students tag along with her, in this lesson’s story, "Good Questions," they learn a very important lesson: curiosity and asking questions are positive actions for the mind and can save everyone a big bunch of trouble!

This lesson is about the positive actions of being curious and asking questions. It starts with a short story that features the classic character, Little Red Riding Hood. Unlike the original story, this one ends differently, thanks to the beloved character’s curiosity. This story tells about the benefits of asking questions and being curious for the improvement of the mind. It is also about how practicing these positive actions can help build a positive self-concept.

"The first step to intellectual improvement is being curious. It’s taking interest in many things and seeking answers to questions."

After story time, someone really smart called Professor Socks meets with the pre-kindergartners to explain curiosity. He comes into the classroom as a visual aid and engages the students with a fun and interactive discussion about what being curious is and why it is important. With his help, the students learn that being curious and asking questions is an intellectual positive action that helps them feel good about themselves.

The teacher introduces a song the class can sing together to remember what they have learned. This song helps them keep in mind that asking questions is an intellectual positive action that will help them learn something new and could save them trouble. The class ends with the students promising to practice being curious, then they mark their Positive Behavior Chart.

Intellectual improvement requires constant learning, which happens by expanding knowledge and developing skills. The first step to intellectual improvement is being curious. It’s taking interest in many things and seeking answers to questions. It is important that pre-kindergartners’ curiosity is welcomed and encouraged to improve their intellectual health and self-concept.

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