How to Teach Kids to Cooperate: Pre-K SEL Lesson & Stories

Pre KindergartenLesson: 414

How to Teach Kids to Cooperate: Pre-K SEL Lesson, Stories, & Activities

Droid and Dude are so ready to blast off! But first, Droid needs to cooperate with his Mom by cleaning his room. His mom is not going to let him leave while his room is dirty. Droid doesn’t want to clean, so he has got a big problem. Mama Amore helps him understand that he has to cooperate to get the important things done. It is also a great way to get along with others.

In the story "Helping Out; Working Together," pre-kindergartners learn why cooperation matters. It uses the perspective of Droid, Dude, and Mama Amore to teach and show pre-kindergartners how to get along with others by practicing cooperation. The “Droid,” “Dude”, and “Mama Amore" visual aids, as well as the “Code of Conduct” poster, are displayed for this.

"Learning the social skill of cooperation is essential for pre-kindergartners as it sets them on a path to success. It is not only beneficial for their personal relationships, but it is also required to thrive in academic and professional settings."

An interactive class discussion follows the story to allow the students time to better grasp the lesson concepts. Here, they also share their experience of working together with others. Then, the teacher gives them time to think of ways that they can cooperate with others and put their ideas into action. After that, the class learns another finger play about the social-emotional skill of cooperating. Finally, they end the lesson by promising to work together with others, and marking their Positive Behavior Chart.

Learning the social skill of cooperation is essential for pre-kindergartners as it sets them on a path to success. It is not only beneficial for their personal relationships, but it is also required to thrive in academic and professional settings. Additionally, practicing cooperation creates a healthy environment where conflicts are easily resolved and prevented.

Teaching this lesson also opens opportunities for teachers to encourage cooperation in their classroom management. While it develops pre-kindergartners' social skills, it also helps educators improve their students’ behavior in class, strengthen their relationships, and encourage them to follow their classroom rules.

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