How to Effectively Manage Thoughts: Short Story for Early Learners

Pre KindergartenLesson: 315

How to Effectively Manage Thoughts: Short Story for Early Learners

This lesson opens with the class following the story of the three, positive-thinking bears named "I Can," “I Like,'' and “I Learn.” Their story, titled “Three Bears,” is about their trip in the forest one wonderful day. As the class follows them, they learn that all is bright and wonderful if they manage their thoughts by thinking positively, just like the three bears!

This lesson is focused on helping students learn how to manage their gift of thoughts with positive thinking. Thought management is an essential life skill that allows pre-kindergartners to control and subdue their negative thoughts, which are powerful enough to discourage and demotivate them. Mastering this skill allows their positive thoughts to take the wheel and lead them to a healthy and successful life.

"Thought management is an essential life skill that allows pre-kindergartners to control and subdue their negative thoughts, which are powerful enough to discourage and demotivate them."

An elaborative class discussion follows the story. The teacher points to the "Thoughts-Actions-Feelings" poster that is displayed in the classroom, then encourages the pre-kindergartners to go around the Circle. Together, the class practices thinking positively like the three bears, “I Can,” “I Like,” and “I Learn.”

The students promise to keep thinking positively; then they mark their Positive Behavior Chart. Their day becomes bright and sunny when they think positively because it makes them feel good about themselves!

Enhanced focus, improved mental function, and emotional stability are the benefits of thought management and positive thinking that lead to improved self-concept and success. When positive thoughts take over, chemicals that balance mood and promote well-being are generated, resulting in heightened brain performance. The goal of this lesson is to help pre-kindergartners to succeed in any area of life by understanding that the brain thrives on positivity.

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