How to Help Pre-K Students Know What Is Real: SEL Activity

Pre KindergartenLesson: 505

How to Help Pre-K Students Know What Is Real: SEL Activity

Reality and imagination can be confusing for pre-kindergartners who are still trying to make sense of the world around them. For example, they may blame their misbehavior on an imaginary friend or character, as they believe that others can also perceive their imaginary companion. In cases like this, pre-kindergartners are still learning about the truth outside of them, and they need guidance on how they can tell reality from their imagination.

"By practicing self-honesty, pre-kindergartners focus their attention on what is real and avoid getting caught up in their imagination."

Through an interactive and engaging way, this lesson reviews the pre-kindergartners’ understanding of the importance of recognizing what is real as a practice of self-honesty. It emphasizes to students that their creative and limitless imaginations are beneficial in certain situations, but they must also be aware of when it is inappropriate to use them. To exercise their understanding, the lesson ends with a simple SEL activity which helps the students identify, on their own, what is real and what is not.

By practicing self-honesty, pre-kindergartners focus their attention on what is real and avoid getting caught up in their imagination. They learn to analyze their actions and situations to determine the truth and make smart decisions. They also begin to accept themselves for who they really are and strive for improvement.

Self-honesty facilitates positive development among pre-kindergartners by helping them take responsibility for their actions, develop a trustworthy attitude, and form healthy relationships with others.

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