How Pre-K Students Can Improve and Believe in Their Potential

Pre KindergartenLesson: 606

How Pre-K Students Can Improve and Believe in Their Potential

Dreams soar like butterflies as pre-kindergartners follow their beloved puppet companions, Squeak and Mimi. Through a puppet play, Squeak shares that he dreams of becoming a paleontologist, while Mimi worries about the difficult things that must be learned to become one. Squeak doesn’t fret, however, as he believes in himself and his capability to learn new things. Squeak believes in his potential; through this lesson, pre-kindergartners also learn to believe in theirs.

This inspiring SEL lesson is designed to help pre-kindergartners improve themselves by believing in their potential. It unfolds through a conversation between StarBoy and StarGirl, accompanied by engaging visual aids that bring the message to life.

The conversation centers around StarGirl’s struggle to learn to dance as she keeps falling. StarBoy teaches her to trust in herself and her ability to learn, encouraging her to believe in her potential to be a great dancer. Through this tale, the students learn they can be great at something if they believe in themselves.

"Pre-kindergartners don’t need superpowers to improve; they simply need to harness the power of believing in their potential."

To reinforce this lesson, the students participate in some SEL activities. They try the StarGirl dance and believe that they can do it. Then, they practice believing in themselves while they act out different scenarios. The students learn that they can learn and do great things by believing. They recite a new cheer about believing in themselves to help them remember this positive action. Finally, they mark another Positive Behavior Chart to track their self-improvement.

Pre-kindergartners don’t need superpowers to improve; they simply need to harness the power of believing in their potential. Often, the force that holds them back from pursuing their dreams or trying new things is self-doubt. This lesson helps them let go of the negative thoughts that hinder their improvement so they can focus on their potential.

Although challenging, there are no prerequisites to believing in oneself. Pre-kindergartners simply have to shift into a positive mindset and convince themselves they are capable of anything. Doing so allows them to be challenged, make mistakes, learn from them, and improve. Instead of quickly giving up and stunting their growth, they embrace their potential.

By teaching this lesson on self-improvement, schools are providing their pre-kindergarten students with opportunities for academic achievement, behavior improvement, and overall personal success.

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