How to Encourage Persistence in Pre-K Students Using SEL

Pre KindergartenLesson: 609

How to Encourage Persistence in Pre-K Students Using SEL

In this inspiring and imaginative lesson, pre-kindergartners learn to continually improve themselves by practicing the positive action of persistence. The lesson starts with the friendly characters, StarBoy and StarGirl, showing off their talents to pre-kindergartners. While StarBoy is practicing his singing, a question suddenly strikes his mind. What if they are not as good in their talents as they think they are, he asks StarGirl. Feeling determined to improve, StarGirl tells him to keep trying until they become undoubtedly good.

After the illustrative conversation between the star characters, the teacher displays the "Improving Myself" poster and leads a class discussion on what it means to be persistent. Here, the young students realize it is the positive action of not giving up easily and continuing to practice. To help them better understand, the teacher provides and elaborates on examples of persistence for self-improvement.

"More challenges and pressures await pre-kindergartners in the future, which is why it is important that they learn to be persistent and patient with themselves."

As a reinforcement, the class learns a new ‘Clap and Say’ about never giving up easily and keeping on trying. They also listen to the Positive Action song "I Am a Positive Action Kid." The lesson concludes with the students marking their names on the Positive Behavior Chart.

At their age, pre-kindergartners still have many things to learn, such as counting, writing, and spelling. They are also still developing and refining their talents, intellectual performance, motor skills, and social-emotional skills. This can be physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing for them, so it is understandable that they can quickly lose patience and want to give up.

More challenges and pressures await pre-kindergartners in the future, which is why it is important that they learn to be persistent and patient with themselves. Schools can provide guidance and help build resilience and persistence among their pre-kindergarten students by teaching them this lesson. With this, they can help their students improve their self-concept, behavior, and approach to life.

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