What Is Jealousy and How to Control It: SEL for Pre-K

Pre KindergartenLesson: 323

What Is Jealousy and How to Control It: SEL for Pre-K

Oh no, there is a green-eyed monster in the room—the feeling of jealousy!

Opening the lesson with a puppet play featuring Squeak and Mimi, the pre-kindergartners watch the puppets demonstrate how feelings of jealousy and envy can be managed. In this play, Mimi is invited to a girl’s party but not Squeak because he is a boy. He talks to Mimi about his feeling of jealousy and Mimi helps him realize that he can have his own fun too! Talking with Mimi helps Squeak feel much better.

Jealousy is a bitter feeling. It stems from wanting something that someone else has. In this lesson, the bright pre-kindergartners learn that jealousy is a natural and very common emotion. But, they need to manage it to always be like their so-sunny friend, Bright Sider!

"Jealousy and envy are emotions that stem from feelings of inferiority, which are often experienced when others' successes are used to measure and validate oneself."

The whole class engages in an insightful discussion about what jealousy is, how they can identify it, and the ways to express it. To manage this emotion, the class listens as their teacher talks about different ways of action they can take to turn this bitter feeling around and prevent it from consuming them and their happiness. The teacher discusses who can help the students when they are feeling jealous, and what more positive actions they can take to manage it.

The "Grumpy Grouch" and “Bright Sider” visual aids are displayed for this lesson. The Positive Action song, “Grumpy Grouch/Bright Sider” is also played. Then, the whole class enjoys doing some SEL activities that reinforce the concept as the lesson ends.

Jealousy and envy are emotions that stem from feelings of inferiority, which are often experienced when others' successes are used to measure and validate oneself. It is important to manage these emotions properly to prevent them from leading to more serious issues such as resentment, depression, and violence. This lesson is effective in helping pre-kindergartners manage their jealousy and envy in a positive way, directing them toward a successful and healthy lifestyle.

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