Time Management: Definition, Discussion & Why It Matters for Kindergarten SEL

KindergartenLesson: 305

Time Management: Definition, Discussion & Why It Matters for Kindergarten SEL

An interesting fact for kindergarten students: a day has precisely 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds. Despite its seeming abundance, time quickly passes before one realizes it. Once it has passed, it can never be regained. Opportunities and chances pass with it, leaving one wondering where the time has gone. This is why it is essential for every individual, even kindergarten students, to learn effective time management skills.

Time management is the practice of efficiently allocating available time to accomplish tasks and achieve goals. It is a skill that impacts various aspects of one’s life, from personal responsibilities to academic performance. In this evidence-based SEL lesson, kindergarten students learn what managing time means and why it matters to their everyday lives.

The teacher opens this lesson by leading a class discussion on the concept of time and how it is represented by clocks. Then, further discussion ensues on how time is a personal resource or special gift that allows children and grown-ups to accomplish tasks and make their dreams come true.

"Time management is the practice of efficiently allocating available time to accomplish tasks and achieve goals. It is a skill that impacts various aspects of one’s life, from personal responsibilities to academic performance."

After defining what time is, kindergarten students participate in the conversation on how to spend time wisely. They share that learning their numbers and letters is an intelligent use of time, as they gain something useful in return. Following this, the teacher guides them to understand that time can also be spent wastefully, which is what they must avoid. Wasting time is letting it pass without earning anything useful or meaningful. This can happen when students, for example, play with their pencils or look out the window instead of paying attention to class.

Playing during recess or study breaks is also another intelligent use of time. During this time, kindergarten students express their creativity and engage their brains through fun activities and games. More examples are shared during the class discussion, which helps students fully understand the concept of time and how to spend it wisely.

To further reinforce the lesson, a fun game of "It" with a twist is played at the end of the class. Here, the “It” chooses among morning, noon, and night, and the other students think of their activity during that time of day. They raise their hand to answer, and the first one to do so is the next “It.”

Overall, instilling time management skills at a young age sets kindergarten students on a path to success. It develops a sense of responsibility, fosters independence, and prepares them for the challenges they will encounter in their academic journey and beyond. With this valuable lesson, kindergarten students gain a lifelong tool that empowers them to seize opportunities, accomplish their dreams, and make the most of the precious gift of time.

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