What Is Jealousy and How to Control It: Kindergarten SEL Game

KindergartenLesson: 322

What Is Jealousy and How to Control It: Kindergarten SEL Game

As kindergartners enter the classroom and embark on new experiences, it's natural for them to notice differences and sometimes feel jealousy. Jealousy is a common, bitter emotion that stems from insecurity, fear, and discontentment. It is often experienced when one engages in a covert competition with others.

When jealousy is not addressed healthily, it can grow into damaging behavior. For example, a child who has lost a fair game may spread cheating rumors against the winner. Another example is a child who wants a toy so much that he snatches another child's toy. Schools and educators can intervene and prevent these negative behaviors from developing by cultivating children's self-awareness and self-management skills.

"Overall, jealousy and envy can significantly impact children's emotional and mental health. Without proper management, the discontent that arises from these feelings can lead to a sense of inferiority and low self-esteem and even contribute to the development of depression or anxiety."

This evidence-based SEL lesson helps kindergarten students better grasp the concept of jealousy and envy. It is complete with a fun class discussion, an interactive SEL game, and a creative activity that can equip students with the knowledge and skills to manage and respond to their jealous feelings more positively.

The class discussion enlightens kindergarten students that jealousy or envy is a natural emotion that people of all ages experience. This lesson defines these terms as "Wanting something someone else has or not feeling happy when something good happens to someone else." The teacher then provides relatable examples to help young students understand the lesson concepts better.

Once the students have grasped the idea of a jealous emotion, the teacher invites the class to participate in a fun game called "Green With Envy." Here, three students come forward to analyze and role-play stories. Two students play the characters; the third holds a green cellophane sheet. As the teacher narrates the story and the two students play the characters, the third student will hold the green cellophane sheet up in front of whoever is green with envy.

This fun game encourages kindergartners to think critically and recognize situations where jealous feelings arise. This way, they better understand what causes this emotion and how to address it effectively and healthily.

As a fun way to end the lesson, kindergartners draw a picture of a face and color it green. This drawing helps reinforce the concept of being green with jealousy or envy. Once students complete their task, they attach their work to the "My Feelings" booklet.

Overall, jealousy and envy can significantly impact children's emotional and mental health. Without proper management, the discontent that arises from these feelings can lead to a sense of inferiority and low self-esteem and even contribute to the development of depression or anxiety. Therefore, teaching kindergartners how to manage their feelings of jealousy is important, especially for their social-emotional development and overall well-being.

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