Fun SEL Game to Teach Self-Management to Kindergarten: A Review

KindergartenLesson: 329

Fun SEL Game to Teach Self-Management to Kindergarten: A Review

Kindergarten students require preparation for the challenges they will face in their formative years. One crucial life skill they need to develop is self-management, which enables them to understand and manage their thoughts, actions, and feelings. Through self-management, kindergartners can cultivate independence, improve their behavior, and pave the way for a successful life.

Throughout this *Positive Actio*n unit, kindergartners have been making remarkable progress in acquiring effective strategies to manage their thoughts, control their actions, and master their feelings. To reinforce these skills further, this evidence-based social-emotional learning (SEL) lesson introduces a fun game called "Your Gifts." This game allows students to review and retain the positive actions taught in this unit while engaging in an enjoyable activity.

"Through self-management, kindergartners can cultivate independence, improve their behavior, and pave the way for a successful life."

Before introducing the game, the lesson starts with a class discussion that recalls how to use gifts or personal resources wisely. Such gifts are time, energy, money, possessions, talents, thoughts, actions, and feelings. Then, the teacher provides instructions to prepare students to play.

In the game, students break into small groups of four or five. They then play with game cards and a game board that shows various valuable gifts to manage. To play, students draw a card from the pile and move to the corresponding picture on the board. They move from group to group, helping each student to review the concepts as they play. Kindergartners enjoy playing the game until the lesson ends.

Teaching self-management to kindergartners lays a crucial foundation for their emotional well-being and personal growth. At this early stage of development, children are still exploring their emotions and learning how to navigate their inner world. By introducing them to self-management skills, they acquire invaluable tools that will equip them with the confidence and resilience to address any challenges they may face.

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