Promote Physical Exercise With This Fun SEL Game for Kindergarten

KindergartenLesson: 205

Promote Physical Exercise With This Fun SEL Game for Kindergarten

One of the ways to improve physical health and self-concept is by being physically active. Even young children can benefit greatly from physical exercise. Evidence suggests it can improve their heart function, bone and muscular strength, and motor skills. It is also advantageous for their minds as it can increase concentration, enhance thinking skills, and improve academic performance. Apart from its physical and mental benefits, regular physical activity also contributes to children’s social development, teaching them valuable skills such as teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship.

There are many ways to stay physically active. For kindergartners, exercise can be through play that involves running or jumping. It can also be through dancing, swimming, or riding a bike. Whatever activity it is, it can effectively boost health as long as one is active daily.

This lesson is about the physical positive action of daily exercise for kindergartners’ health improvement and overall development. Using a creative story, stimulating class discussion, and a fun game, this evidence-based health education lesson effectively promotes physical exercise to kindergarten students.

"Apart from its physical and mental benefits, regular physical activity also contributes to children’s social development, teaching them valuable skills such as teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship."

The teacher opens this lesson by introducing the students to Patty Push-Up, a Goodbody family member who always feels positive about herself thanks to her daily push-ups. The pert, perky young Patty and her positive personality gain the interest of her local newspaper, and they write an interesting article about her. The article mainly praises her commitment to daily exercise, which makes her pert, perky, powerful, and positive.

Patty’s story in their local newspaper communicates the benefits of doing push-ups and other physical exertions for health and a positive self-concept. In the following class discussion, the teacher elaborates on the different physical activities and gives students ideas on how to get started. The young students also learn how to incorporate one into their daily routine.

As a reinforcement, this lesson ends with a fun SEL game of Duck-Duck-Goose. This game aims to promote regular physical activity through firsthand experience. It also helps kindergarten students recognize that being active can be fun while benefiting their health, fostering a lifelong appreciation for maintaining an active lifestyle.

Teaching kindergarten students about the importance of exercise is more than just encouraging them to play and be active. It is an investment in their physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. These young learners become empowered to lead healthy, balanced lives by instilling a love for exercise from an early age. They are also equipped with the tools to thrive physically and academically.

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