How to Keep Clean and Why It Matters: Kindergarten SEL Lesson

KindergartenLesson: 204

How to Keep Clean and Why It Matters: Kindergarten SEL Lesson

Over the years, personal hygiene has been shielding the body against infectious diseases. The evolution and history of personal hygiene show that different parts of the world have placed importance on keeping their bodies clean through various hygienic behaviors, such as bathing, handwashing, and grooming.

Ancient Romans had their bathhouses, Ancient Chinese had their bathing rules and fragrant-smelling herbs, and Ancient Egyptians used oils, salts, and mints, as well as invented toothpaste. In the present time, especially during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, personal cleanliness protects many from infectious diseases.

Keeping clean is a positive action for physical health that must be learned as early as possible, as it plays a vital role in maintaining holistic health. It keeps the body free from germs and the mind free from clutter. In this evidence-based health education lesson, kindergarten students meet Kathy Keep-Clean of the Goodbody family, and her story teaches them how to maintain personal cleanliness to improve their physical health and self-concept.

Kathy is an outdoorsy kid who often comes home smelly, sweaty, and covered in mud pies. She also hates taking baths and washing her hands before meals. To teach her a lesson, her mother grants her wish not to use the tub or the sink, leaving her to experience the consequences firsthand.

"Keeping clean is a positive action for physical health that must be learned as early as possible, as it plays a vital role in maintaining holistic health. It keeps the body free from germs and the mind free from clutter."

After suffering from the discomfort of uncleanliness, Kathy appreciates the role of cleanliness in maintaining physical health and self-concept. Right then and there, she vows to practice personal hygiene every day. That is how Kathy Keep-Clean, an outdoorsy yet hygienic kid, comes to be.

Kathy Keep-Clean’s journey imparts a valuable lesson among kindergarten students: personal hygiene plays a significant role in preventing diseases and maintaining physical health. To teach kindergartners how to keep clean with proper hygienic practices, the teacher leads a class discussion on how to wash disease-causing germs off them. Among these practices are washing their hair, keeping their clothes clean, and changing their underwear.

An exciting activity ensues after. The kindergarten students make a "Cleanliness Mobile" to take home and hang in their rooms. This SEL activity helps kindergartners remember the importance of frequent bathing and handwashing.

Embracing personal cleanliness is a simple yet powerful way to prolong life, prioritize health, and improve well-being. As infectious diseases continue to spread everywhere, it is crucial to equip children, such as kindergartners, with the shield of protection that personal hygiene can provide them. With this lesson, educators can help kindergarten students care for their bodies, cultivate a positive self-concept, and enhance their interactions with others.

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