How Positive Feelings Lead to Positive Self-Concept: SEL for Kindergarten

KindergartenLesson: 115

How Positive Feelings Lead to Positive Self-Concept: SEL for Kindergarten

Emotions can be overwhelming and consuming, especially for kindergartners who have not yet developed full control over their big feelings. Positive or negative, emotions can affect their thoughts, actions, and, ultimately, their self-concept. It can be challenging to change or manage once an emotion consumes them, especially if it is a negative feeling.

Every person losing grip on their big emotions tends to act on them without being careful or thoughtful. As a result, they behave in a way that they later regret, which takes a toll on their sense of self.

To help kindergarten students take better control of their thoughts and actions, as well as improve their feelings about themselves, this lesson develops their awareness of the role feelings play in their self-concept formation.

"Emotions can be overwhelming and consuming, especially for kindergartners who have not yet developed full control over their big feelings. Positive or negative, emotions can affect their thoughts, actions, and, ultimately, their self-concept."

It starts with an interactive class discussion that introduces different emotions. Then, it proceeds to discuss how feelings can be managed by changing one’s thoughts and actions. Kindergartners learn that by thinking positive thoughts and acting positively, they can gain positive feelings that lead to more positive thoughts and actions. This circular process then leads to an improved idea of themselves.

To challenge their understanding, kindergartners are presented with three situational examples featuring characters who feel happy, sad, angry, or something else. Using their "Self-Concept Signals," students analyze each example and determine how each character feels. The teacher then elaborates on why each character feels that way and what thoughts and actions they should take to improve their emotions.

The point of this activity is to help kindergarten students make the connection between positive feelings and improved self-concept on their own. In the end, students are given an assignment that asks them to practice thinking positively whenever they start to have a negative emotion. This is a helpful way for kindergartners to practice managing their thoughts, actions, and feelings.

Understanding what influences the way they think about themselves develops self-awareness among kindergartners, which can be empowering. This level of self-awareness can also cultivate their determination to manage their feelings and be intentional in thinking and acting positively.

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