How Friendships Influence the Self: SEL Audio Story for Kindergarten

KindergartenLesson: 108

How Friendships Influence the Self: SEL Audio Story for Kindergarten

Abbott Rabbit and other animal friends bring kindergartners back to the forest in this lesson’s imaginative audio story titled "A Special Day."

In this tale, Abbott Rabbit wakes up feeling bright and sunny. As he visits his friends, he finds them so occupied with their own tasks that none pays him any attention or wants his help. This makes Abbott feel bad about himself; it’s as if no one wants him around! Later that day, Abbott’s feelings improve when his friends knock on his door with such a pleasant surprise.

This lesson is about the influence of friends on self-concept formation. It starts with a fable illustrating to kindergartners how their experiences and interactions with friends add to their feelings about themselves. The story successfully demonstrates how this process can play out in a real-world situation while also serving as an age-appropriate strategy to keep young students engaged and attentive.

"Aside from their families, friends and peers also play a significant role in the lives of kindergartners."

Following the story are guide questions that exercise kindergartners’ understanding of the story’s moral. The young students relate themselves with Abbot Rabbit and share their experiences with how their friends make them feel good about themselves.

Finally, kindergartners join Abbott’s special day by completing an activity sheet for reinforcement.

Aside from their families, friends and peers also play a significant role in the lives of kindergartners. Once they start school, kindergartners spend an increasing portion of their time interacting with those from their age group, forming emotional bonds and friendly relationships. This is why the feedback they receive from their peers matters, especially to their self-concept and sense of self-worth.

It is important for kindergarten students to learn about friendships as a factor in shaping self-concept to help them better understand the way they think and feel about themselves. Developing this kind of self-awareness enables them to better manage their thoughts, actions, and feelings about themselves.

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