3 Positive Actions for Money Management: An SEL Lesson

Grade 1Lesson: 311

Introduce Grade 1 Students to 3 Positive Actions for Money Management

Money is a vital aspect of daily life, and effectively managing it is essential for achieving financial stability and security. To make the most of their funds, individuals need to know how to use their money to obtain their needs and wants. From paying bills to saving for the future, understanding how to use money wisely can help people achieve their goals and live a comfortable life.

This evidence-based SEL lesson encourages first graders to think of things that they believe are worth earning, saving, and spending wisely for. The possibilities are endless, and each student's answer offers a unique glimpse into their values and priorities. Once all ideas are out in the open, the class discusses the positive actions for money management.

"Teaching students about money from a young age helps them develop healthy financial habits and prepares them for the responsibilities of adulthood."

The teacher differentiates money earned through work and money received as a gift, emphasizing that earning is a positive action for managing one’s money. First graders brainstorm ways to make money, such as doing household chores or running a lemonade stand. The classroom becomes a hub of creative ideas as students eagerly share their strategies for earning and managing money.

Saving and spending wisely are two other positive actions for money management. The students go over the Happy Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle that they can use as a tool when they are tempted to buy something that won’t be much of use. They are reminded that they feel good about themselves when they follow the Happy Circle.

To reinforce the lesson concepts, the teacher distributes activity sheets where students can draw pictures of things they want to buy by being smart with their money. The teacher encourages the students to keep these pictures in sight as a visual reminder to be careful with their finances.

This lesson provides a solid foundation for financial literacy, an essential life skill that can profoundly impact a child's future. Teaching students about money from a young age helps them develop healthy financial habits and prepares them for the responsibilities of adulthood. By understanding basic money management concepts, first graders can learn to make intelligent financial decisions that can only benefit them in the long run.

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