On Self-Concept and Positive Actions for Good Health

Grade 1Lesson: 117

Grade 1 Lesson on Self-Concept and Positive Actions for Good Health

Maurice the Mouse is a small but wise creature. He knows those who feel good about themselves take positive actions for good health. In a classroom discussion, the teacher uses a poster of Maurice to explain how people's actions can reflect how they feel about themselves.

The story begins with Maurice attending a family picnic at Cheeseville City Park. As he watches his relatives, he notices the positive and negative actions they take for their health. He understands that those who feel good about themselves eat nutritious food, get enough rest, and maintain good hygiene. Conversely, people who don't feel good about themselves might engage in behaviors that could harm their bodies.

"Maurice's wisdom resonates with the class; they learn that feeling good about oneself starts with taking care of one's body."

The teacher reads out scenarios and asks the students whether Maurice’s relatives feel good or bad about themselves based on their actions. For instance, if Maurice’s cousin Molly eats a plate of vegetables, she feels good about herself because she knows she's making a healthy choice. On the other hand, if Molly eats a whole chocolate cake, she might feel bad about herself.

Maurice's wisdom resonates with the class; they learn that feeling good about oneself starts with taking care of one's body. They understand that positive actions for good health can make a person feel good about themselves, while negative actions can lead to negative feelings.

In the end, Maurice’s message is clear: taking positive actions for good health is not only good for the body but also for the mind. By making healthy choices, individuals can cultivate a positive self-concept that radiates through their attitude and behavior.

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