Teaching Positive Actions to Grade 1 Students

Grade 1Lesson: 108

Teaching Positive Actions to Grade 1 Students: An SEL Lesson

Every action one takes is like a brushstroke on the canvas of one’s self-concept. The more positive actions one makes, the brighter and more vibrant one’s self-image becomes. But just as easily, negative actions can darken and taint that image. So, everyone – including Grade 1 students – must be mindful of the strokes they create.

In the previous lesson, the students learn about managing their thoughts. Now, they are ready to take their learning to the next level and positively manage their actions.

The lesson begins with a brief review of the "Stop, Choose, Go" steps for thought management. Students are reminded that they have the power to choose their thoughts and that these choices can lead to positive or negative outcomes.

"This lesson on the role of actions in the Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle helps students understand their behavior process, which is essential for self-management, one of the five Social Emotional Learning core competencies."

A pantomime activity ensues after, where volunteer students act out three scenarios. One student acts as the "stoplight" and points to the appropriate light in the “Stop, Choose, Go” poster. This activity encourages students to think critically about what actions should follow their thoughts.

Next, the class talks about the positive actions they have taken and chooses one to write on their Positive Behavior Celebration form. They learn that they are the best they can be when they think positive thoughts and do positive actions! To help them remember this better, they sing along to the catchy tune of "I’m the Best I Can Be."

This lesson on the role of actions in the Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle helps students understand their behavior process, which is essential for self-management, one of the five Social Emotional Learning core competencies. Learning to manage actions positively is an essential life skill that can help young learners build healthy relationships, achieve goals, and maintain mental and emotional well-being.

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