A Review of Physical Positive Actions for Good Health

Grade 1Lesson: 212

Physical Positive Actions for Good Health: A Review Lesson for Grade 1 Students

First graders now have a solid understanding of the positive actions for physical health. They know it’s important to eat right, stay clean, exercise daily, get enough rest and sleep, use medicines correctly, and avoid things that can harm their bodies. But it’s always a good idea to review what they’ve learned to reinforce the importance of these positive actions.

In this lesson’s story, Davey Doddle learns the importance of applying what he’s learned about taking care of his body to his own life. He tells the repairman how he’s been teaching others about these positive actions, but he realizes that he hasn’t been doing them himself. The repairman reminds Davey that it’s not enough to know what’s right to do; it’s important to actually do it.

"It’s important for first graders to learn about taking care of their bodies, and this evidence-based health education lesson serves as a reminder that they need to apply what they’ve learned to their own lives."

After the story, the first graders receive an activity sheet where they will color the cheese yellow if the corresponding statement is a positive action that meets the needs of a healthy life and a happy self-concept. This activity tests their knowledge about taking care of their bodies.

Finally, the first graders review positive thoughts, actions, and feelings related to physical health. They are reminded that taking care of their bodies not only helps them stay well and healthy but also makes them feel good about themselves.

It’s important for first graders to learn about taking care of their bodies, and this evidence-based health education lesson serves as a reminder that they need to apply what they’ve learned to their own lives. By doing so, they can build healthy habits that will benefit them for years to come.

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