Resources for Promoting Emotional Health Among Students

Grade 1Lesson: 109

Resources for Promoting Emotional Health Among Grade 1 Students

At the heart of the Positive Action philosophy lies the recognition of the vital role that emotions play in our lives. Understanding and embracing feelings is a fundamental step toward achieving happiness and fulfillment. In fact, feeling good about oneself is considered the crucial third step in the Happy Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle.

So, in this lesson, get ready to explore the rich tapestry of human emotions and discover how they can help Grade 1 students lead more positive and rewarding lives!

To start, the class listens to a story about Nicholas Anderson Brubaker Jones titled "The Awfullest Day in the World." It's a tale about a rainy day and a series of unfortunate events that make Nicholas feel like it's the worst day ever. From having to eat breakfast he hates to getting in trouble for breaking a classmate’s pencil to forgetting to bring cupcakes for the indoor picnic, it just seems like nothing is going his way.

"Emotions can be influential in one’s thoughts, actions, and self-concept. When students shift their focus from the negative to the positive, they unlock the power of a can-do attitude that can work wonders in their future undertakings."

But the story takes a turn when Nicholas’ parents surprise him at bedtime. They congratulate him for making it through the "awfullest" day and remind him that positive thoughts and actions can turn things around. With this realization, Nicholas goes to sleep with a smile on his face, excited to try his dad's approach to dealing with bad days.

After the story, the class discusses the thoughts and actions Nicholas could have taken to make his day better. This gives the students a chance to reflect on their own experiences and consider ways to apply the lesson concepts in their lives.

Finally, they fill out their Positive Behavior Celebration form, noting their recent positive thoughts, actions, and feelings.

Emotions can be influential in one’s thoughts, actions, and self-concept. When students shift their focus from the negative to the positive, they unlock the power of a can-do attitude that can work wonders in their future undertakings. By embracing their emotions and learning how to use them to their advantage, Grade 1 students can develop the skills they need to lead happy, fulfilling lives.

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